and just for fun- my 33w belly (doning non maternity jeans that I was wearing pre-pregnancy) and one of the few maternity tops I have left that fit! lol
I'm too old to do all my shopping in the Juniors department, not old enough to shop in the Women's department, Miss's isnt quite "modern" enough for me- I'm not "plus size", I'm not "tiny"- I'm just a gal in her late 20's who likes to look cute. I'm not out to impress anyone, but I look forward to facing my day head on in clothes that make me feel good about myself. On a tight budget of course! IMO- little money spent = good! If I can wear it for a few years, even better!
my wardrobe
consits of bargains from various dept and mass mechendise stores, in addition to trades from my sister, cousin and friends.